What Rebecca is looking for
RCL accepts submissions from writers of Literary Fiction, Crime & Thriller and Narrative Non-Fiction in a wide variety of areas (but not academic monographs). The definition of ‘Literary Fiction’ is broad, taking in what publishers often define as ‘Book Club Fiction’ through to more experimental writing.
Rebecca is always interested in new writers as well as more established writers who are looking for a new collaboration. Do take a moment to explore this website and the client list to get a sense of what we represent.
While we try to look carefully at all submissions, we are a small outfit, so if you don’t hear back from us after a month, then please assume it is a regretful pass. Our choices are subjective and we can’t promise to give feedback. A pass doesn’t indicate a value-judgement of your work.
With a few exceptions for existing clients, Rebecca doesn’t represent YA, Children’s, Poetry, Illustrated books or Screenplays.
How to submit
Email your submission to We only accept digital submissions, but let us know if this is a problem.
All submissions should have the covering letter in the body of the email, with the material as an attachment. External links will not be opened. We can only consider submissions with sample writing attached.
Give the email the title: “Submission: [your name] [TITLE OF SUBMISSION]”
For Fiction, send the first 3 chapters (or 10k words) along with a short synopsis of the whole book.
For Non-Fiction, send a detailed proposal, along with (if possible) a sample chapter or sample writing.
We accept Word documents and PDFs. Save the files as: “[your name] [TITLE OF SUBMISSION] [type of document, e.g. synopsis, sample chapters, outline, full manuscript etc]”
Make sure your typescript is 1.5 or double spaced and has page numbers.
Once you’ve pressed send
You will receive an automated reply confirming receipt.
We will be in touch with you if we are interested to hear more.
Queries about your submission (or any updates – for example, to inform us that other agents are interested) should be sent to
Email title for query: “[your name] [TITLE OF SUBMISSION] submission query/update”.
We regret that we can’t respond to every submission personally. We are happy for you to send a reminder email to, but if you haven’t heard from us after a month, please assume it is a pass.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Authors that Rebecca has worked with have written some great books about the trials and tribulations of being a writer. To spur yourself on with laughter, try:
Sandra Newman’s How NOT To Write A Novel: 200 mistakes to avoid at all costs if you ever want to get published
Nell Stevens’s Bleaker House: Chasing My Novel to the End of the World